January 10, 2012

It's Carpe Diem

I have had a lot of bad experiences in life. I don’t know if I should call them experiences, problems, mistakes, or obstacles. We learn from them, this is how we learn from life.
Life is not as beautiful and bright as it seems. A lot of darkness in that light. People are not what they seem to be, if there is evil it’s the people.
Sometimes it looks like the well prepared and educated people lead a miserable life while the stupid and mentally blind are rewarded and given a lot.
A client once told me that she doesn’t plan for her future nor does she have any career plans. I was shocked at such statement, without planning what would we do? Live and enjoy everyday without thinking about the future?
After what I have gone through in life, I think she is right.
One should seize the day, enjoy the present without placing all hope in the future. We should enjoy the pleasure of the moment without concerns for the future especially when you never know when death will greet you.
Even when it comes to work, do your best and pluck the day while its ripe don’t look back just move on. Take full advantage of present opportunities and enjoy today and don’t worry about the future as in it’s a beautiful day so forget tomorrow’s.

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