September 20, 2012

The Disciplines Of Branding

The disciplines of branding:

1. Differentiate
    a.       What are you?
    b.      What do you do?
    c.       Why does it matter?

2-Collaborate: building a brand is a collaborative project
   a.       The One-Stop Shop: contains the resources to develop and steward the brand
   b.      The Brand Agency: hire the best firm to develop the brand
   c.       Integrated marketing team: managed internally

3- Innovate: You know that an idea is innovative when its scares the hell out of   body

4- Validate: bringing the audience into the creative process
   a.       If your audience cant verbalize your concept, you’ve failed to communicate it

5- Cultivate

6- Brand Extensions:
-          Bad Brand Extensions: are those that chase short-term profits at the expense of long-term brand value
-          Good Brand Extensions: grow the value of a brand by reinforcing its focus