September 20, 2012

A Brand Name

The brand needs a stand out name, the seven criteria of a Stand Out Name are;
1- Distinctiveness
2- Brevity
3- Appropriateness
4-Easy spelling and pronunciation
5- Likability
7- Protect ability

 A great name deserves Great Graphics
 Logos are dead. Long live icons and avatars An Icon is a name visual symbol that suggests a market position.
An Avatar is a brand icon that can move, change, and operate freely in various media.

The Disciplines Of Branding

The disciplines of branding:

1. Differentiate
    a.       What are you?
    b.      What do you do?
    c.       Why does it matter?

2-Collaborate: building a brand is a collaborative project
   a.       The One-Stop Shop: contains the resources to develop and steward the brand
   b.      The Brand Agency: hire the best firm to develop the brand
   c.       Integrated marketing team: managed internally

3- Innovate: You know that an idea is innovative when its scares the hell out of   body

4- Validate: bringing the audience into the creative process
   a.       If your audience cant verbalize your concept, you’ve failed to communicate it

5- Cultivate

6- Brand Extensions:
-          Bad Brand Extensions: are those that chase short-term profits at the expense of long-term brand value
-          Good Brand Extensions: grow the value of a brand by reinforcing its focus

What is a Brands?

What is a Brand?

A Brand is not a logo !
A Brand is not an identity !
A Brand is not a product !

A Brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service, or organization.
A Charismatic Brand is any product, service, or organization for which people believe there’s no substitute.

May 12, 2012

In a Box !

They are born, then put in a box; they go home to live in a box; they study by ticking boxes; they go to work in a box, where they sit in their cubicle box; they drive to the grocery store in a box to buy food in a box, they talk about thinking "outside the box" and when they die they are put in a box !

May 10, 2012

Social Mirror

Recent Studies have shown that most suicides come from shame or loss of financial and social status than medial diagnoses. Eventhough I has a neighbor 14 years ago who wrote his final love letter to his wife and committed suicide after being diagnosed with cancer.

April 30, 2012

Nothing is Everything !

     My Uncle and I had a great discussion last week talking about superficial and arrogant people. We both came to the same conclusion.
Today, you are considered civilized when you can spend a long period doing nothing, learning nothing, and improving nothing, without feeling the slightest amount of guilt. And guess they have become the majority.
They are the ones who will tell you “I am busy” whenever you ask for a favor. Reality is that this person is declaring incompetence and he/she lacks control of his/her life.

April 24, 2012

Out Of Touch

The test of whether you really liked a book is if you re-read it (several times); the test of whether you really like someone's company is if you are ready to meet him/her again and again...

April 21, 2012


   People will envy you for your success, for your wealth, for your intelligence, for your looks, for your status…. But rarely for your wisdom !

April 17, 2012

Too Dead Inside

   In the Middle-East when we want to do something while unconsciously certain to fail, we seek advice so that we can blame someone else for the failure ! We have become too dead inside to even know the guilt.
I don’t know if it’s a principle but it seems to be the norm in Jeddah.

What The Oracle Said

creative (ur scenarios u make of ppl and the jokes are literally out of this world-lol)


hard working

Very Smart
Funny in a s2ali kind of way :D

Hard working
My boy 

my beautiful son


Neat freak on a personal scale
optimistic on the professional level 


Littler Clumsy
Good at heart